Tuesday 9 August 2011

for the first time :)

assalamualaikum...........salam ramadhan al mubarak to all...well.this is my first post in my blog...actually i have lots of thing to say but i can say that this is not an easy task to do right.mmm...so,lets start..hee~ actually,i'm just want to tell u guys about the all the things that happen to me semenjak dua menjak ni....mmm,well actually byk sgt bnda yg berlaku untill la sy terpikir nk menulis blog ni...bkan ape,cume dah xde tmpt nk mgadu...seriously,i'm alone...so i think,writing is the best way to express my feeling,don't you think so,huh...=)...sbnrnye this few month kot,byk sgt mslah yg mlnda kehidupan...tp sy bersyukur sbb sy tau Allah SWT menguji kita sbb Dia syg hmbanya...alhamdulillah...harap2 kita msh tergolong dlm hamba2 yg disayangiNya...actually,just want to share.. problem ni not just mlibtkn diri sndiri tp jge prasaan dan hati...kite sndiri pon tahu kan hati ni mcm mne rapuhnye ble brdpn dgn mslh kan...wait....this is not about love or something like cintan cntun ok..but it's more important than that,friendship..agree x klu sy kte after our Allah SWT n Rasulnya serta our family friends come first..believe me,walau sburuk mne pon kite klu kwn sejati pershabatan 2 x kmana...tp terasa sedih ble ujian datang, persahabatan tu jadi rapuh...sahabat2 d luar sana,renung2knlah about this....jgnlah kite gdaikn sebuah persahabatan yg suci hnya krna sdikit slh faham...cubalah bersabar,saya mengingatkan diri sy dan jge shbt2 d luar sana, friends adalah someone that you love more than your lover...believe me...i love my friends very2 much..sy bersyukur krn Allah SWT mgurniakn sy friends yg sgt2 baik...indhnya anugerah itu....semoga kite semua terpelihara.....sekian dahulu for the first time..hopefully,this gonna be ok..=) because yg baik itu dtgnya drp Allah SWT dn yg bruk itu dtgnya drp diri sy sndiri.....mohon maaf pnutup bicara..wassalam...=)

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